
Ancchharyun ko Tal

(Review of Garhwali drama ‘Ancchharyun ko tal’ written by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal)
(Notes on Mysterious and Philosophical World dramas, Mysterious and Philosophical Indian dramas, Mysterious and Philosophical Himalayan dramas, Mysterious and Philosophical Uttarakhandi dramas, Mysterious and Philosophical Garhwali dramas)
Ancchharyun ko tal’ drama by Lalit Mohan Thapliyal (pub.1964) is definitely different than his other three famous dramas.  The drama is having always a mysterious mood in the scene.  There is similarity in the works of Carl Eric Soya (1896-1983) a Danish playwright and Lalit Mohan Thapliyal. Soya is famous for his satirical and farce plays .in 1940, Soya wrote a philosophical and mysterious (he called it neorealism) wrote a drama ‘Brudstykker of et monster’ (Pieces of a Pattern) that deals with mysterious confluence of apparent law and accident in human existence. Scottish playwright Bridie James (Dr Osborne Henry Mavor , 188-1951) wrote mysterious and philosophical dramas and in many drams , Bridie experimented with unresolved plot too. Italian playwright Luigi Pirandelo has been famous philosophical drama creator. Gabriel Marcel is also a famous drama writer of philosophical and mysterious dramas.
The story of mysterious and philosophical drama ‘Ancchharyun ko tal’ is the incidents happened in one or two hours of mid night.   Mani takes a charmer Jogdas towards mountainous pond (where unsatisfied female spirits live) for a special performance to harm his enemy Gabr singh and his family who grabbed his fertile farm with unethical means.  The special performance requires no disturbance at all. Jogi das cautioned that if charmer performance is not done properly, many harmful incidents might happen. However, Madho Singh meets Mani there. Madho Singh lives a solitary life in mountain out of village and is victim of his younger  brother Gabar Singh through village relation. In the mean time, a couple of surprising incidents take place at a time. Jasu son of Gabbar Singh informs that somebody murdered Gabbar Singh. Gabbar Singh’s last wish was that Madho should lit fire on his pyre. A woman (Madho’s bhabhi whom Gabbar Singh grabbed) does suicide there near pond of female spirits. Tiger takes Jogi Das.
Today, all the characters are different than their past life as Madho who lives a disciplined life like  a saint but he becomes eager to kill Gabbar Singh. There is great mystery all the time in the stage due to characterization and dialogues of the drama.  The dialogues are not big but and each word has great importance in the drama. Lalit Mohan had been expert of speed in the drama. There is high speed in this mysterious and philosophical drama ‘Ancchharyun ko tal’ too.
The drama is one of the great dramas among modern Garhwali dramas.
1-Dr Anil Dabral, Garhwali Gady Parampara (Critical History Garhwali Dramas from beginning till 1990)
2-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga (Brief History of Garhwali dramas from beginning till 1975)
3-Dr Sudharani, Garhwal ka Rangmanch (Brief History of Garhwali Dramas and Staging of dramas from beginning till 1985)
4-Drama special issue of Chitthi Patri magazine (Garhwali Dramas and plays staged in Delhi, Karachi, Mumbai, Dehradun and other places)
5- Dr Hari Datt Bhatt Shailesh, Garhwali Natak evam Rangmanch: Ek Vihngam Avlokan (History of Garhwali Dramas and theatres from beginning till 1985)
6-Dr Bhakt Darshan: Barrister Mukandi Lal Srmriti Granth (Garhwali dramatists or theatres playwrights till 1985
7-Dr Nand Kishor Dhoundiyal, Garhwal ki Divangat Vibhutiyan (pp108-116, about contribution of Bhagwati Prasad Panthri for developing Garhwali drama)
Copyright@ Bhishm Kukreti

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  1. कुकरेती जी नमस्‍कार
    आप गुस्‍सा होने की बजाए मेरे ब्‍लॉग को सही तरह से देखें तो मैंने कापीराइट के साथ आपके नाम से एक अलग शीर्षक भी दिया है, जिसके अंतर्गत सिर्फ आपके ही लेख हैं, इसके यदि आप सोचते हैं की आपका नाम ऊपर भी लिखा आना चाहिए तो मैं जल्‍द ही हर लेख में आपका नाम भी अंकित कर दूंगा।
    गुरुवर आपकी शान में मैं किसी भी तरह से गुस्‍ताखी नहीं कर सकता हूं, कारण कि आप मेरे ही नहीं बल्कि गढ़वाली साहितय में सभी के प्रेरणा स्रोत हैं। कोई गलती हुई हो तो माफी चाहुंगा।

  2. kothari jee

    Dhikkar hai ki ap lekhak hokar bhi dusre lekhak ka nam credit se mita dete hain

    phle bhi ek hindi lekh me ap kar chke hain
    kripaya ap mere koi lekh naa chhapen
    bhishm kukreti

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