
Samaj: A Garhwali Drama

(Information about ‘Samaj’ a Garhwali drama by Ghana Nand Bahuguna )
(Notes on Garhwali Dramas, Kumauni Dramas, Uttarakhandi Dramas, Himalayan Dramas) 

There is less information available about the subject of a  Garhwali drama ‘Samaj’.

Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna (1976) stated that after Bhavani Datt Thapliyal (1900-1940), most of the contributors of Garhwali literature contributed for Garhwali poetry.   Mostly, Garhwalis preferred contributing to Hindi prose than Garhwali language prose. Bahuguna further said that a couple of Garhwali creative came in the field of Garhwali prose as Ghana Nand Bahuguna. Ghana Nand Bahuguna published ‘Samaj’ drama from Ganga Pustakmala Karyalay, Luchnow in the month February of 1930. The drama ’Samaj’ has a significant place in the field of Garhwali prose. ‘Samaj’ has been the instruments in stopping de-growth /de-generation of Garhwali prose. Bahuguna further narrated ‘Raula ki Khaulyau dekhik I gad ko pata chald . The said statement of Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna appreciated Ghana Nand Bahuguna for his contribution in Garhwali prose and the subject of ‘Samaj’ drama too.
It is clear that the subject of ‘Samaj’ is about social problems and social reforms.
Dr Hari Datt Bhatt Shailesh (1986) informed in his research article ‘Garhwali Natak evam Rangmanch: Ek Vihngam Avlokan ‘that Ghanannand Bahguna published a Garhwali drama ‘ Samaj’ in 1930. Dr Bhatt further states that this way there was initiation of Garhwali drama  (Bhakt Prahlad) and it gets continuous development (about ‘Samaj’).
Dr Bhakt Darshan (1986) provided the following briefing about ‘Samaj’ a Garhwali drama that Ghana nand Bahuguna was born in village Pokhari, Chalansyun (great Sanskrit scholar Meghakar Bahuguna’s great grandchild) of district Pauri Garhwal.  Ghana Nand Bahuguna had been famous advocate f in Pauri. Ghana Nand Bahuguna was prolific writer of Garhwali, English and Hindi languages. Ghana Nand Bahuguna expired on 13th February 1964 in Pauri.  Bahuguna was also an active social worker of Pauri who published a Garhwali drama ‘Samaj’.
 (Recently, this author came in contact with the grand son (who is an advocate too) of Shri Ghana Nand Bahuguna through facebook . He wanted the copy of book where his life sketch is published and this author wanted the copy of ‘Samaj’ drama. However, the contact is broken due to mail pouring in my inbox. )

1-Dr Anil Dabral, Garhwali Gady Parampara
2-Abodh Bandhu Bahuguna, Gad Myateki Ganga
3-Dr Sudharani, Garhwal ka  Rangmanch
4-Drama special issue of Chitthi Patri magazine
5- Dr Hari Datt Bhatt Shailesh, Garhwali Natak evam Rangmanch: Ek Vihngam Avlokan
6-Dr Bhakt Darshan: Barrister Mukandi Lal Srmriti Granth
Copyright@ Bhishm Kukreti

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